Sunday, August 18, 2013

August 14th Nephton Ride with the Havelock Guys

 We were fortunate to be able to get 2 Havelock ATV riders to accompany us on another ride from the County Road # 6 area parking lot near Nephton.

John was our leader for this great ride and took us over some great trails and some serious rock climbing. Although it was a short ride in length, (65 Kilometers) It was slow going where we had some extremely rough areas to traverse.

 We had many stops for breaks and some of these were at some intriguing locations, Especially the sinking river, Where the river was running along the surface of the ground and then disappearing under a rock face and running underground and resurfacing some 500 meters farther on.
  At another location we stopped for lunch at a water falls which was beautiful to see.

August 7th Stirling - Madoc Loop

Drew & I started off from my home in Campbellford and rode to Stirling where we met with John Frandsen of the North Frontenac ATV Club. 
We rode east on the 108 trail to Madoc Junction and continued north past Crookston Junction to Madoc. Coming into  Madoc we rode west on the Old Marmora Road to Atkinson Road & travelled north over Highway 7 and continued on O’Hare Road till we met up with the 106 Trail just west of Eldorado. We turned west and rode the 106 back down to the crossroads of the 106 & 108 at Anson where we took these pictures. A good ride was had by all of us on a beautiful day to be outside.